Who Should I Draft For My 2024 Fantasy Baseball Team?

Select 2 different players and our system will offer a draft recommendation and supporting analytics.

Select Player to Draft


Select Player to Draft

Fantasy Baseball Who to Draft Tool

Use the form above to compare any 2 players and our system will provide a detailed analysis with a recommendation for who to select during your draft.

What scoring system is considered?

First and foremost, our system will consider the rules in use by the Scoring Model you have selected. Player value is largely determined based upon their projected performance for the scoring categories used by the league in question. The same player could have a very different impact on your team based upon the scoring rules being used.

You can change the Scoring Model at the top of this page. Don't forget that you can also sync unlimited leagues entirely for free at any time!

What is Draft Value?

Our system will provide a "Draft Value" score for both players. This value takes many things into consideration besides just the forecasted number of fantasy points for your league's scoring system. Some of the other data points that are considered include the number of comparable players at each player\'s qualifying positions, each player's deviation from the averages of the scoring categories in scope and a lot more.

What if my league is a dynasty league?

Our system assigns different Draft Values to players in dynasty vs. re-draft leagues. You will have the option to select to process the analysis using dynasty values once you run your comparison. We consider several additional data points for dynasty leagues such as different ADP, player age, performance trends and more.

What other information is provided?

You will be able to see multiple data sets for further analysis to help you with your decision about who to draft, including:
  • A composite ADP
  • Prior season stats if the MLB season has not started, and in-season stats if the MLB season is underway
  • Projected season fantasy points (or Z-Score+ if playing in a category league)
  • The latest news for each player
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  5. Roto and point-based support
  6. Live Draft Syncing
  7. Draft decision analysis
  8. Intuitive Mock Drafts
  9. Insights on H2H matchups
  10. Most scoring statistics supported
  11. No manual entry required
  12. Much, much more!!
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